About Me

Francis Swindells is a renowned Transformation Specialist through integrative well-being.



When you CREATE change,
you CREATE growth.

Francis Swindells is a renowned Transformation Specialist through integrative well-being.

With a diverse background of skills as a mechanic by trade, a specialist in the mineral and geophysics industry, through to Regional Information Technology Manager for Queensland Police Service. 

Utilising his strengths of having an analytical mind with a scientific and data-driven background, Francis felt a strong calling to study health and wellness. In 2011, Francis completed his certification in Personal Training and by 2014, he made the leap to establish a well reputed Personal Training business, moving his business to the Sunshine Coast in 2017. A lot of change occurred during a short period of time for Francis which was the catalyst to create action into following his heart and uncovering ways for his own healing.  Having had the courage to have lived the holistic transformation personally allows Francis to have great empathy and understanding for his clients.

Francis quickly discovered as personal trainer that whilst people presented to him for assistance to physically enhance their wellbeing, it was the conduit for him to assist with the inner layers of transformation. Bolstered by his own personal transformation journey, Francis studied Acutonics® and became an accredited sound healer and Access Bars practitioner. 4 Elements Well-Being practice was born in 2017 where Francis combines the physical work with a combination of emotional, mental, and spiritual practices and techniques. This is what creates such positive lifechanging results.

Francis is passionate about creating transformational change from the inside-out for his clients. The type of clients that Francis works with are high performing professionals, tradespeople, mothers, caregivers, children, emergency responders and more.  He is known for his quick ability to discover the emotions that transpire into the physical body.  He can help release and heal the emotional energy that is reflected in how client’s present physically, so that they can also be their best mental, physical, spiritual and emotional self to live the life they deserve.

Francis says, “when the physical aligns with the internal transformations and I can see and sense the energies shift, it is extremely powerful and rewarding. For me, it is the highest honour to share wisdom, guidance and support to get my clients to who they want to be and where they want to be.”

What sets Francis apart from others in the wellbeing industry is his uncanny insight and capability to quickly recognise exactly which type of energy healing and shift a person requires. This, coupled with his significant investment of an array of tools, techniques and equipment produces transformational results. Many clients also like the fact that Francis’ background in data and analytics allows him to have a well-rounded and integrative approach. Francis recognises that when it comes to wellbeing – one size does not fit all, and that a blend of traditional and modern practices can be required to create the best outcome.

Francis thinks of his role in how he helps others to be a bit like a conduit. He empowers people to know that they have already got everything they need within themselves to heal. His role is to help provide the secure pipework for the energy to flow through to his clients to create change.

“Francis is the conduit to connect you back to you to enhance your everyday life.”


Susie Wiles, a client said, “It is so amazing right now! I can get up from the ground on my own, I am losing weight, fitter, and I am truly smiling in my spirit and mind for the first time that I can remember. My doubt in myself is decreasing and the words “I can’t” have changed to “I am currently working on that”. You are a large part of that. Thank you.”

 Another client, Madison Charles said, “I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all of your help. You have helped me realise things that I wasn’t dealing with I’m more aware of my surroundings and listening to my body. I’ve never seen results so quickly throughout all of my training. If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be walking around in pain and psychologically not in a good place, I’m pain free and mentally stronger, but I know I still have a lot to work on. I can’t wait to see more results; it continues to motivate me!”

(Look to insert a male testimonial here – Scott)


Francis generates an environment for his clients to CREATE a new way of being. This new state of being happens when clients choose to change how they move, feel, think and connect with themselves.

When you choose to live a healthy and fulfilling life you choose to let go of old lifestyle patterns that don’t work for you. Wellness is more than being free from illness: it is a process of change and growth towards a physically, emotionally, mentally and wholistically healthy lifestyle. 

Francis is the conduit to connect you back to you to enhance your everyday life.

More About Me

Within Francis’ practice at 4 Elements Well-Being, he has worked with many clients throughout his career who were:

  • Uncertain
  • Anxious
  • Depressed
  • Overweight
  • Lost
  • Experiencing physical discomfort such as neck, back, sciatic pain, shoulder impingement
  • Suffering from emotional and physical traumas
  • Grieving
  • And more…



Francis’ wholistic integrated well-being practice incorporates sound and vibration therapy using Acutonics®, Personal Training, Access Bars and Emotional Anatomy consultancy. He understands that there can be fear of change, of the unknown, and who you will ultimately become. Francis creates a tailored approach that gently approaches and overcomes these fears to help clients transform to live their best life. 

Francis creates transformational change through:

Complimentary Initial 20-minute Consultation: In this session, you will discover the specific benefits available to you and be provided with a package tailored to your individual needs.

Sound and Frequency: Acutonics® is grounded in Oriental medicine, psychology, science, cosmological studies and sound healing principles. This effective non-invasive methodology works with vibratory energy created through sound. It is an integrative care model, which recognises the whole person, body, mind, and spirit as well as all aspects of lifestyle.

Emotional Anatomy: Emotional Anatomy is a body-mind-soul assessment tool. As you create so are you created. Your feelings are the vocabulary of the body, it goes to say that when you hold an emotion for a long period of time and it becomes chronic it will manifest in your body to have an effect on you physically and your Chakras (energy centres) from Root to Throat.

Access Bars: Access Bars® is a gentle hands-on modality. There are 32 unique energy points located on the head that correlate to different aspects and areas of life such as thoughts, ideas, decisions, attitudes, and beliefs. When these points are gently touched, the electromagnetic charge of these self-limiting aspects and areas are released, which then allows an effective and tremendous change.

Personal Training:

Strength training exercises work your muscles by applying a resistance against which the muscles need to exert a force. The aim is to use an appropriate weight or resistant force that will work the target muscles to fatigue. As well as the correct resistance training program balancing your body and building muscle mass you gain several long-term health benefits to your muscles, bones and general metabolism.


Mission & Vision

I am here to generate an environment for you to CREATE a new way of being. To bring about a new state of being when you choose to change how you move, feel, think and connect with yourself. 

To assist you to let go of old lifestyle patterns that don’t work for you. Bring awareness to your wellness is more than being free from illness: it is a process of change and growth towards a physically, emotionally, mentally and wholistically healthy lifestyle.